Current Tenants

Online Forms

Easily submit the following forms online to request maintenance, register for your parking spot, or update your tenant contact information.

Maintenance Request Form

For all tenants requiring non-emergency maintenance work.



Tenant/Owner Information Sheet

In order to provide prompt and accurate communications we need to ensure that our records are up to date. Should any of your contact information change please submit this form to our office at any time. All new tenants are required to fill out the form upon signing the Rental Agreement.




Car Registration Form

This form is for all PAMC parking lots.

Submit Form


Easily download, fill out, and submit the following forms to set up preauthorized rent payments, or request a new security access card.

Pre-Authorized Payment Form

To setup pre-authorized payments for your rent payments, please complete and return the PAP form with a Void cheque to our office. Please also use this form if you require to change your banking information.

This form of Rental Payment is NOT OFFERED for all buildings. Please contact our office directly to find out if your building offers this form of Rental Payment.


Security Access Fob/Card Request Form

For those tenants located in buildings with Electronic Fob/Card Access Systems, should you require additional access cards or fobs please download the attached form and either fax or mail to our office.


Elevator Booking Form

For tenants needing to rent time on an elevator in your building please download the attached form and either fax or mail to our office.


Enterphone Registry Form

To submit or adjust the contact phone number used for your building’s enterphone, please download the attached form and either fax or mail to our office.


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